
Donald Trump’s new press secretary just held a press conference that was filled with lies, deceit, anger, rage, stupidity, and nonsense. He didn’t take any questions, and looked like he was brimming with hatred. Trump spent most of his speech at the CIA talking about himself and the size of his crowds yesterday at theContinue reading “Fear”

Just Keep Watching

Watch the people Trump puts into power before and during his Presidency. Look at people like Pence and Bannon. Look at what we have done as a country. This many people should not live in fear that their rights will be taken away by the President. Greatest country in the world my ass.


I am honestly, so massively unhappy. I KNEW I wouldn’t be able to find a job when I moved back to the States and I was right. I even used my brother’s address on my resume in the hopes that it might attract more people but nothing. I am so, so, so sad I amContinue reading “Tired”


I have applied to so many different jobs in so many different cities, with different resumes and individual cover letters each time and LITERALLY NO ONE will even properly reject me, let alone give me an interview, or even a follow up email, and I am just beyond exhausted. 7 years of rejection is aContinue reading “Anger”