
What happened in Charlottesville is truly disgusting, disgraceful, and appalling. Trump’s response to what happened was too little, too late, and wildly disingenuous. He does not care about the people of this country. Anyone who pretended that racism and anti semitism was a thing of the past in this country has hopefully had their eyesContinue reading “Charlottesville”


Depression is a fog. It clouds your mind and heart and is a veil over not just the bad things, but also the good. I realised this the day that mine began to act up on a perfectly sunny, summer afternoon, when I should have felt happy. And I didn’t. Instead, I felt that sinkingContinue reading “Depression”

Bodega Roses

Bodega Roses Lower East Side at midnight his place filled with lingering wafts of 3 pm spliffs and empty bottles of cheap scotch, I can never remember the brand. It made him feel like James Bond or Hemingway when he drank it. I didn’t want to make him feel bad. Bodega roses of red andContinue reading “Bodega Roses”


I saw the edge of the universe that I had been seeking since 1924 at the bottom of an empty glass at The London Pub as the sirens of Bloomsbury wailed and filled my ears, my eyes connecting with Virginia Woolf as I wandered onto the pavement of Woburn Place, but I lost her asContinue reading “Bloomsbury”

Bodega Roses

Lower East Side at midnight his place filled with lingering wafts of 3 pm spliffs and empty bottles of cheap scotch, I can never remember the brand. It made him feel like James Bond or Hemingway when he drank it. I didn’t want to make him feel bad. Bodega roses of red and yellow justContinue reading “Bodega Roses”